
Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership
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Collaborating with volunteers and town organizations, the Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership aims to identify and control invasive plants on public lands in Harpswell while building awareness of the damage they cause.


Invasive Plants are a problem in Harpswell. They reduce our critical native plants, pollinators, butterflies, and birds. They disrupt agriculture. They can harm human health.

HIPP-help plant experts can help you identify invasive plants on your property and suggest control methods and strategies.

This service is free of charge; however, HIPP appreciates contributions to support its work. To donate, send a check to 153 Harpswell Neck Road, Harpswell, ME 04079, with HIPP in the memo line. You can also donate online using the button above.

Email hipp.maine@gmail.com to request a HIPP-help volunteer.