Invasive Plant Cleanup Marathon at Multiple HHLT Preserves
From September 4 through October 14, 2024, teams of dedicated HIPP volunteers conducted a Fall marathon of invasive plant cleanup workdays at multiple Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) preserves. Fall is a particularly productive time to combat certain invasive plant species because of their heightened visibility from leaf color, or presence of Fall flowers, berries, and seed pods.
HIPP has been conducting workdays like this for nearly fifteen years and has demonstrated that consistent ongoing management of invasive plant species succeeds in reducing the burden of these plants on Harpswell lands. It is an effort that continues though, and HIPP relies entirely on volunteer support for this important work and its positive impact.
HHLT Preserves that were included in this effort were:
- Johnson Field – 9/4 and 9/27
- Houghton Graves – 9/30
- Otter Brook – 10/2 and 10/4
- Anna M Tondreau – 10/3
- Curtis Farm – 10/14
Of particular note on this marathon are that both Johnson Field and Otter Brook Preserves merited two workdays each due to larger infestations, and that this was the first HIPP workday for the Anna M. Tondreau Preserve, HHLT’s newest. HIPP conducted an invasive plant survey at Tondreau Preserve earlier this summer to determine the baseline extent of invasive plants.
HIPP volunteers removed multiple invasive plant species including Bittersweet, Bull Thistle, Japanese Barberry, Spotted Knapweed, Shrub Honeysuckle, Knotweed, and Multiflora Rose.
HIPP uses multiple approaches to combat different invasive plant species. Some plants can be dug up or clipped back and safely left on site. Other plants which are able to resprout from cuttings or have seeds or berries must be bagged up and disposed of. Some difficult plants may be treated with herbicide if carefully dabbed on their freshly cut stem, and if they are more than 25 feet from streams or shorelines.
For more information on how to become involved with HIPP please email [email protected].